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Hi! My name is Purich Siritip. You can call me Mark. I am a student at Chulalongkorn University. I’m crazy about computer and machine learning. I also enjoy playing story games and listening to some old thai music.




Anubarn Surin

Primary School

School representative in science contest.
GPA: 3.96



Junior High School

Start learning C++ by making voice detecting light switch and maze solver robot.
School representative in math and science contest.
GPA: 3.98


Triam Udom Suksa

High School

Created Pong game and chip-8 emulator project using C++
Start learning Java, Javascript, python and machine learning
GPA: 3.95


Click on the right titles to see more !


I have always loved console games! So I tried recreating one. This is Chip-8 emulator, the simplest game console. I really enjoyed doing this project as I had learned how to create a web from scratch in the process.

play the live demo here

Maze Gen & Solve

Maze Gen & Solve is a visualizing program of maze generator using depth-first search and maze solver using A star path finding algorithm.

play the live demo here


TMLCC is a competition that participants built machine learning to predict CO2 working capacity of metal-organic frameworks(MOFs) given their attributes. There was a wide range of participants starting from high schooler to doctoral degree students. I got a glimpse of how real world machine learning application works. I ranked 11th place in the end, which I’m quite impressed.

CAI Camp

CAI Camp is a problem-based learning camp. Participants were taught the overview of AI and business fundamentals. a problem was given to each group and each group had to come up with an efficient and creative idea.

Learning OOP

OOP stands for object oriented program, in which each part of a program is looked as an object and assembled them to form a program. I made many stuff based on my interest. All of them are written in OOP.

see my collection of program here

Text to Image Generation

This is a machine learning model which generates an image from a given text prompt. The model is trained to take Thai text as an input and generates an image corresponding to a given text prompt.

The project was built under AI Builders program which gives me advice and support along the way.


In-depth explanation blog

Gentle explanation blog



Graduated from AI Builders trianing program


Participating in Creative AI Camp


Participating in TMLCC, machine learning for chemistry competition

Completing Deep Learning program which included 5 courses




Phurit Siritip